Live Your Life Happy, Healthy, and Free

Mindset. Motivation. Meditation. Mastery




Real Beauty Starts From The Inside Out!  



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Meet Lindsay Rose Martin

As an author, motivational speaker, high performance coach, and spiritual teacher, she is dedicated and committed to helping people from all around the world return home to their true authentic self.  Her books, programs, online teachings, meditations, and events all serve one common purpose.  To help them rise to the next level in their life.

She is happily married, a mom of 3, a dog mom, and she loves country music, reading books, jogging pants, shopping, going to the spa, meditation, exercising, red wine, sushi, Cadbury mini eggs, laying in the sunshine, pretty pink things, flowers, feathers, rainbows, and butterflies.  

Oh and cookies.  She loves a good chocolate chip cookie!  Don't we all?

Meet Lindsay

What Lindsay's Students are Saying...

"My life has been a rollercoaster of health issues the past 2 and a half years. From heart attack to skin cancer. I had given up any hope on ever being happy or healthy again. But I was inspired and determined everyday to change the way I viewed how my life would be. Watching Lindsay get up everyday and show up for herself inspired me to get up , move and be present in and for myself. Today I am 100% healed from all of those traumatic experiences and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. It’s funny how something so simple as the programs and community change someone’s life so much. So thankful and grateful for my life and where I am today."


"You are changing my mindset already. You are my inspiration and I am so grateful for our paths crossing. You keep me strong everyday and I want to thank you so much for being so amazing and giving me strength, hope, faith and helping me to find myself again. You are truly an angel and a blessing in my life, you have changed my life. I will be forever grateful to you. I'm looking forward to starting your next course."


"Sometime in February of 2019, I was mindlessly scrolling through Facebook and I came across one of Lindsay's videos. Here was this woman I had never met before, baring her soul and sharing her story of battling obesity. She was so beautiful, so real, and so raw that she brought me to tears that day. I thought about her every day for over a month, until I found the courage to reach out and ask her for help. I had decided that I was done hating myself. I was finished with being sore and tired all of the time, I was sick of living in a body that I was embarrassed of, and I was sick of always thinking that I was not good enough. She gave me all of the tools I needed, most importantly, her unconditional support. My goal in starting this journey was to lose weight, and I did, I lost 60 pounds between April and December of 2019, but more importantly, I gained something; I now have confidence in every aspect of my life, I am now comfortable in my own skin, and most of all...I love myself again. Thank you Lindsay Martin, you have changed my life. "

Registered Psychotherapist, Mental Health and Addictions Therapist

"Lindsay came into my life at the exact time I needed her, though I fought it. She has given me the insight, tools to get me back to the me I had lost. She is such a beautiful soul full of so much truth, some that you don't want to hear but absolutely NEED TO! I feel so much stronger and have found my confidence back since teaming up with Lindsay and for that I will forever be grateful for linking arms with her. Thank you Lindsay for seeing something in me I wasn't able to see at that time. "

Hairstylist, Owner and Operator

"I've never had a healthy relationship with my body. Years of self neglect left me battling a whirlwind of mental and physical illnesses. It wasn't until becoming a mother of two special needs daughters and being asked to marry the love of my life that I decided to change my life. I tapped into Lindsay's free groups which opened me up to a community of inspiring and supportive women all fighting to change their lives just like me. Now with a strong sense of support, I was ready to rebuild my relationship with food and my relationship with myself. Within 8 months I successfully lost 46 lbs and went from a size 18+ to a size 12/14. I still eat fruit and carbs and I even still eat treats, but I've learned how to balance so I can have my cake and eat it too, so to speak. I didn't just lose weight either. I'm building a strong, healthy body to help me live my life to the fullest. With just 30 minute workouts in my living room, an easy to follow INCLUSIVE meal plan and a strong community to support me on my journey I've completely transformed myself; mind, body & soul."

Stay at Home Mom, Entrepreneur

"I met Lindsay online about 4 years ago. I was in a sad, broken place mentally which reflected on my outside. Bad nutrition, no exercise, nothing to replenish my soul. I knew there had to be more than this. In the last 4 years my journey with her has brought huge changes in my life, mostly on the inside. I originally wanted a quick fix but now know that you have to fix the inside before you can fix the outside. Lindsay promotes a no BS approach to her coaching. She is strong but kind. She doesn’t hold your hand and coddle you BUT will be the first to celebrate and cheer you on your victories. I’m forever grateful I reached out to her and have her in my life!"

Cardiovascular Technologist

DISCLAIMER: My programs are intended to help motivate, and inspire you to make some positive changes in your life.  I am simply sharing my experience with you, as I believe I can help give you a little perspective to get you unstuck, and on the path to living your best life.

Changing your life takes hard work.  It requires consistent effort, and I cannot guarantee that by taking this course you will take my advice and change your life.  
As stipulated by law, I cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or change your life with my ideas, information, tools, downloads, or strategies.  

I do not know you,  and your results in your life are up to you. I just want to help you by giving great content, perspective, and strategies, that worked well in my life.

You should know that all products and services offered by my company are for educational and informational purposes only.

Nothing on my website, or in my courses, or any other content, curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results.
I do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. 

Making decisions or changes based on any information presented in my products or services or website, should be done only with the knowledge I can't guarantee how hard you will work on yourself.

Always consult your own professional advisor before acting on a lifestyle change in your life.

You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold anyone liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

I will always hold myself to an incredibly high standard of integrity, speaking from my heart, being open, honesty and speaking my truth.  

It's why I give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee on any paid services, books,  or courses. 


You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Anyway, all of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below.

It’s basic stuff -- Don’t think you’re guaranteed to transform your life, make money easily or at all, consult professionals before starting/operating businesses, understand there is risk in being an entrepreneur, etc -- but I feel transparency is important, and I hold myself (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That’s why I also put my disclaimers on all our pages, why I give you our contact information for any questions, and why I give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee.




I don’t believe in “get rich” programs. I only believe in hard work, adding value to the marketplace, building a real and professional career, and serving others with excellence on a consistent basis.


My programs are intended to help you to learn how to become a better person, and perhaps also make a difference in the world while growing your personal brand, career, or business.


My programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile adventure, or professional continuing education program. Please do not enrol in my programs if you believe changing your life will be easy, or that you can have success just by “luck”., or some get rich quick scheme.  I only want serious people dedicated to real life transformation, professional development who want to add value do something excellent in the world with the time they have left.


As stipulated by law, I cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with  my ideas, information, frameworks, tools or strategies.


I do not know you, and changing your life takes time, and success or failure is always up to you, and in your own hands.  I just want to help by giving great content, direction, strategies, motivation, inspiration of what I have personally used to transform my own life.  In no way am I telling you what you should to, or must do with your life. 


I can however guarantee your satisfaction and that I will show up to serve you to the best of my ability; so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of training, you can cancel anytime by sending an email to [email protected], or simply ask for a refund within 10 days.

You should know that all products and services by my company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of my websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and I do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice, but rather my own personal opinion and perspective and free will of speech.  Any financial numbers referenced in my trainings, or on any of my sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance.  

Making decisions based on any information presented in my products, events, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any personal or entrepreneurial endeavour.  Use caution and always consult your own accountant, lawyer or trusted professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances.

All of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. It’s basic stuff and really just good old common sense.  Anything worth having and any level of success takes time, dedication, consistency, courage, confidence, effort, focus, diligence, personal drive and personal responsibility.  All things we are solely responsible for in our own life.

Always consult professionals before starting/operating businesses, and understand there is risk in being an entrepreneur, etc -- but I feel transparency is important, and I hold myself (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity.

That’s why I also put our disclaimers on all pages, and why I give you our contact information for any questions, and why I give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. All rights reserved.

For complete site terms of service and condition please go to




This website’s content should not be considered as a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis.  Always consult and get clearance from your physician or health care provider.


The information contained here is not intended to provide physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever and should not be relied upon in that regard. I am not a medical professional, and nothing on this website should be construed otherwise.


If you choose to participate, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such activities.  My advice, whether it be on social media, in my courses, books, my website, live videos, or via email, is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. You must consult your doctor before beginning ANY program, with no exceptions. Your participation in using my programs and coaching is at your own risk, and I am not responsible for any injuries, including death, or health problems you may experience due to using my programs.  It is to be made clear that I am not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death due to using any of my products or services.



I cannot guarantee any specific results and results may vary regardless of how closely you follow my products and services.  Although I expect positive results for those that implement the products and services from me correctly, it must be disclaimed that even when consumers implement any products or services in full from me, they may still not get the results they may have expected.



All the transformations and testimonials are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results or any type of guarantee. They are meant to showcase what the most motivated and dedicated people have achieved by following my coaching and programs. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results compared to someone else when using my services due to differences in your personal history, genetics, lifestyle, motivation, mindset, and dedication. The results you get will depend upon the individual and the effort put in.


With all my online services, I have a 10-day 100% money-back guarantee — If within the first 10 days of your initial purchase you are not satisfied you can request a full refund by contacting the Customer Support team. You will be refunded without question.  Questions? Please email me at [email protected]