The Richness of a Simple Life
Nov 04, 2024
Last night my 7-year-old daughter asked for watermelon for her lunch today, so we found ourselves at the grocery store later than usual. Part of me wanted to tell her no and that I’d go out today and get it for her, but the other part of me couldn’t refuse a small child asking for fresh fruit in her lunch after the Halloween candy craze, so out we went.
On our drive, she was mesmerized by all the bright lights and wouldn’t stop talking about them. I was feeling tired, and ready for bed, but she seemed to have all the energy in the world, and I found myself feeding off of it. As we got into the store suddenly it became this magical fun adventure.
She was pointing out all the new Christmas decorations that the store had recently put up. She was commenting on how beautiful a juice display was and how it looked like a Christmas tree. She saw the fresh flowers and asked to get some for our house. It was like she was a kid in a candy store, but it was just a regular grocery store that I had been to thousands of time. Last night I saw it differently though. After we checked out, she offered to carry the fresh flowers back to the car and I said to her... “I love seeing the world through your eyes.” Her excitement energized me and made me realize that too often we overlook the richness of a very simple life. It also made me realize that one person who is connected to a source of positivity and love has the ability to rub off on others and impact them greatly if they just keep shining.
This morning, I awoke, and we did the usual off to school routine that I have been doing for the past 15 years, but there was something different about me, something a little more relaxed than usual, something a little more grateful than usual. As I sat there with my tea overlooking the big open field behind our house, I couldn’t help but think that I am living my dream, and how sometimes we can be so blind to see that we’ve manifested something because we are too busy trying to get to the next big thing.
I know for myself; I can still allow the chatter of my mind, and my big lofty ideas and personal goals to steal the peace and joy that’s found in the present moment.
There was a time in my life where I would have done anything for health, a strong body, a positive mindset, inner peace, my own place to live, children, a loving husband, and two puppies.
There was a time in my life where I would have done anything for a slow relaxed morning as I rushed off to my morning commute. I thought that a big office with a view, a salary, benefits, a pension plan, and my name on the door was a sign I had made it in the “real world”.
Then there was a time in my life where I was constantly travelling. I was speaking on stages or speaking in an arena packed with thousands of people and I thought I had made it then too. The fancy parties, the dresses, the heels, the hair, the makeup, the events, the zoom meetings, the work retreats, the conferences, the leading large teams of people, it all seemed fun at the time but there was always something that kept me coming back home, and there was always something to complain about.
Whether it be the office colours, the lighting, the fake relationships, the dress code, the travel times, the responsibilities, the people, the time away from my family, the cost of living, the rate of pay, the workload, the competition, the schedule, the unfairness, the responsibilities, the management, no matter what I achieved, there wasn't any real peace. Looking back, I can see so clearly that what I thought I wanted, wasn’t what my heart and soul truly longed for, and I wanted to be home. I wanted to be a mom, I wanted more time, and I wanted to do work I absolutely loved to do, whenever I wanted to do it.
I can see that I had changed who I really was, and showed up in this world to please others or to live up to their expectations, rules and standards. I thought that I wasn’t enough because of all the other things I saw everyone else doing, but truth be told I was just disconnected from my own source of inspiration and love. The other truth is, I had already done it all and I no longer wanted to invest my time into things I no longer loved and enjoyed or that everyone else was doing.
As I sat here this morning, I thought about how scary it was to give it all up, walk away, and listen bravely to my heart not knowing what came next.
It was the darkest season of my life when my old life started to fall apart. I was discovering who I really was without wrapping my whole identity in what I was doing for a job, how I looked, how much I weighed, where I lived, what I drove, or what other people thought of me.
I can see that my real life, and my true self was in fact coming together perfectly. Everything was just sitting there waiting for me to burn down my own life and uncover my new life like a hidden gem that had been sitting there for decades waiting patiently in the dark until someone finally turned on a light. It was all coming together. Not just for my own sake, but for the sake of my family, my children, and for the highest good for all who was involved.
I sat here thinking about that lonely, depressing season of my life and how hard it was for me to let go, and release having control over the outcome. I thought about how hard it was for me not having anything "productive" to do according to societies standards or my past life of striving and hustling for more.
I thought about how much I have grown and how much healing I really had to do in my life and how much I just brushed under the rug and didn't properly deal with at the time. But most of all I thought about the beauty of living fully in the present moment and how good and faithful God really is. When you live in the present moment you realize you already have it all and there’s something so beautiful and magical about the feeling of not having to do anything more but rather allowing life to work its magic through you. It's scary, but it's also quite liberating, peaceful, and quite possibly the healthiest way to live.
I brought myself back to things I really love to do and how simple those things really are and how rich my life really is. Sometimes we think we want more, when in fact we want to simplify and make our life easier and more peaceful.
I thought about how thankful I am that I have the choice to take my time in the morning and get my kids off to school and watch the dog’s play.
I thought about how annoying and frustrating it can be to get a teen out of bed in the morning, but how lucky I am that I have this duty as a mom and how one day he's going to be out of the house doing his own thing and how much I'll miss it all.
I thought about how no matter how many times I tell the kids to pick their towels up off the floor, leave the pillows on the couch, or put their dirty clothes in the hamper, it never happens, and how hilarious it is knowing I'm getting my 10,000 steps in just cleaning up after them all.
I thought about how thankful I am that I get to drive my son to school in a minivan that has served its purpose very well and how one day we'll replace it but the thought of sitting in a car dealership, test driving a vehicle, and going through the whole complicated car buying process isn't something I really want to do right now. (Can we simplify the whole car buying process please)...
I thought about how lucky I am that I can wear what I want to, say what I want to, and show up when I want to and that on the days, I don’t feel like getting dressed, looking presentable, doing my hair, or don’t feel like wearing makeup, I don’t have to.
I thought about how lucky I am I that I have an amazing husband that is my best friend and does his fair share of 50/50 around the house.
I thought about how amazing it feels to have a spouse who lets you be yourself, believes in you, and supports you in everything that you do.
I thought about how empty and clean my garage is, and how happy that makes me feel.
I thought about how blessed I am that I can write, create, work my own magic and do work that I love when I am inspired to do so.
I thought about how lucky I am that my kids actually want to be around me and how they look forward to our vacations and our time spent together and how I want to keep it this way even when they grow up and move out of the house.
I thought about how my most important role in this world right now is raising my kids and giving them a safe, positive, clean, fun, and loving home environment.
The simple things... Like going to the grocery store, lighting a new fresh candle, replacing the loofas in the shower, decorating for the holidays, taking my daughter to dance, taking the dogs to get groomed, doing yoga after the kids go to school, making sure their laundry is done, and that they have fresh clothes, cooking fresh meals, and having a clean, organized, and peaceful home, all while having the time to enjoy it all. Blessed.
The simple things like reading a good book, enjoying a good McDonalds meal from time to time (Be sure to try the Big Arch if it's still available, for it's a little slice of heaven) or eating a bag of all dressed chips in bed while catching up on Vanderpump rules.
The simple things like an empty inbox and no messages or texts to return.
The simple things like being able to get up and go whenever or wherever you want to.
The simple things like cleaning my own home because truth be told, I haven't been able to find anyone who cleans it better than I do, or who has the same exquisite attention to detail as me. Gardening and landscaping I will gladly outsource.
The simple things like going to the mall, and allowing your kids to find their own style and buy what they love.
The simple things like wearing my lululemon’s, a hoodie, and jogging pants because that’s what I feel the best in and what I love.
The simple things like enjoying a hot cup of tea with your phone away while you appreciate the gift of your life.
The simple things like using my Dyson vacuum and being so satisfied with all the dirt that was just sucked up and wondering how that's even possible because I love to vacuum the house pretty much every single day.
The simple things… The things I once took for granted, or didn’t think were good enough because I was too busy getting caught up in the applause and accolades that came from other people, social media, or was too busy trying to achieve the next big thing.
The more I sat and thought about my life, the more I realized that my life is whatever I decide to make it. I am the ultimate creator of my reality and my life. I get to decide. I thought about how you can make anything happen for your life but the things that truly feel the best are when you’re doing it all from a space of wholeness and love, and not from a space of lack or deficiency or trying to be someone you’re not, or needing something to be different. That feels the absolute best.
In no way am I saying the glitz and glam, the busy schedules, the emails, the hundreds of DMs, the salary, the pension, the benefits, the bonuses, the incentives, the stages, the travel, the interviews, the social media, the leading and managing large teams of people is wrong or bad, it’s just that it all serves a purpose, and it all has a season.
I know for this season of my life I want simplicity and peace for that feels so good to me right now. It feels right to me, it seems real to me for everything else that came before just felt so fake. Right now with what I am doing, it feels real, good, nourishing, joyful and perfect. Just the way I want it. Just the way I created it.
So today as you sit and think about your life, think about whether it feels real and authentic to you because at the end of the day, what truly matters most is whether you lived your life, and not someone else’s. Also know that you have the power within you to make a change and create a new life for yourself and your family. You just need to believe it's possible.
May your life be filled with love, happiness, health, peace, kindness and all the things that make you feel the most alive, the most at peace, the most in love, and the most yourself.
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