Are you an oak tree too?
Jul 20, 2022
When my mother died she left me an acorn.
She left my daughter an acorn too.
As ridiculous as this may be, it’s my most favourite inheritance.
My “trust fund” roots from her divine wisdom and the wisdom of my ancestors that came before me. Hundreds of years later, those roots run deep.
The promises and prayers they made to themselves and their babies as they cried themselves to sleep and thought of a better quality of life.
That need, want and desire was then passed down to me.
It’s a constant reminder that deep within this little old acorn is an oak tree just waiting to express itself.
You see, so many women and men today are fighting against their bodies which is leading to pain, suffering and sickness.
But here is the question you must ask yourself.
Have you been fighting against your body? Your shell? Your outside exterior?
Has your body been fighting against YOU?
That’s the trick to the whole equation.
Knowing that YOU (the witness is not a body and lives inside your outside shell) will give you the wisdom to overcome that part of yourself that is keeping you stuck in total darkness, pain and suffering.
The question is who is going to win?
Who will set you free?
Your body?
Or the one who knows deep down that there’s something bigger and better waiting for you on the other side of your deep rooted fear and insecurity?
Nothing else is needed.
Except a little trust and belief in something so much bigger than your yourself.
And when the timing is right, you most definitely will bloom, grow and expand into something so incredible that you will have a hard time believing it’s even real.
That’s all for today, except perhaps share or send this to someone you love, and be sure to sign up here today if you've yet to go all in on yourself.
Trust me, there is a much better (and easier) way to do life, and you don't ever have to struggle or suffer alone. The shortcuts are right here.
I so can't wait to see what you are made of this year!
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