The Work That Saved My Life

energy healing food addiction healing low back pain life transformation negative self talk self worth spiritual awakening spiritual health weight loss weight loss motivation Jul 24, 2024



I was 9 years old when I was pulled out of class.



A nurse put me on a scale and weighed me. 



"Too much"...  she said. 



I weighed too much, and my head hung down in shame and embarrassment.




At the time I was morbidly obese for a small child.  I weighed about 140 pounds.  While the nurse was correct in her assessment, what I translated that into was "not enough."




Right up to that point I didn't realize I even had a weight problem or that I was any different from the rest of the kids.



I didn't even pay attention to my body, but after that, I sure did.



Negativity, self-hatred, insecurity, and criticism took over my life.




The "too much", and "not enough" mentality ran my entire life existence.




That manifested into obesity, losing weight, gaining weight, an eating disorder, irritable bowel syndrome, excess consumption in everything I did, constantly dieting, chronic low back pain, over spending, addiction, hoarding, people pleasing, plastic surgeries, divorce, single parenting, court battles, being fired from a job, inauthentic relationships, jealousy, comparison, insecurity, low-self worth, debt, anxiety attacks and depression.  




That little 9 year old girl was running my entire life and I had no idea because no one ever taught me this growing up.




That little part of me kept self- sabotaging my success until I went back to give her what she needed.


She didn't need more criticism, hate, judgement, attack, or punishment.

It wasn't another diet, another pill, or a harder workout regime.



It wasn't more stuff, a new car, or a bigger home.



It wasn't working harder, a second job, taking on more duties or responsibilities, or doing more.




What she needed was love. 



She needed a hug.



She needed to know I was proud of her.


She needed nurturing.  


She needed safety.

She needed security.


She needed protection.



She needed connection.



She needed to be seen.





That little child within me needed love, kindness, compassion, support, and nurturing and it was up to me to give her that.



I had to go back to everything in my past, look at it, and get to the root cause of everything.  Then once you heal the root, you no longer have a problem!



You have your life back!




I continue to do this work every single day of my life through the power of meditation, yoga, and true self-love.




You see, we all have to do this work.  It's the most important work we will ever have to do in our entire life.




We all have a little child within who's heart we need to protect.  It's a non negotiable for a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life.


So a few things today.




1.  Order this book. I wrote this book while in one of the darkest seasons and it saved my life.




2.  Join this challenge.  I created this program because I knew it would save lives one day like it did mine.



3.  Read this blog post about releasing the weight of your old self.



4.  Have the most beautiful day and share this with someone you love.



5.  Consider removing "too much" or "not enough" from your vocabulary entirely.  That is a lack and poverty consciousness and that way of thinking and speaking won't be doing you any favours.  In the realm of spirit there is more than enough to go around and there are no shortages.  Just divine perfection.








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