What Your Heart Truly Wants

god healthy lifestyle change inner peace negative self talk overcoming anxiety purpose self love self worth spiritual awakening spiritualhealth Oct 16, 2024


I woke up in the middle of the night just stewing over silly things that really were not worth my time or energy. 


As I lay there, I asked the Holy Spirit to come into my life and fill my mind and body with peace.  I’m pretty sure that’s what everyone wants… 


Peace of mind and freedom from the fears and anxieties that are keeping them from living a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life. 


So I got up. 


What do I want my life to really be about.  I asked myself. 


Most importantly, what did the Creator have in mind when he created me and how can I live into that


I guess over the years I've stopped telling the Creator what I want or think, and I've learned to go straight to the Source and lean into that.


I can go back and think of many times in my life where I felt the complete emptiness of an unfulfilled and uninspired life.  I can recall how it felt like I was roaming around trying to figure out what I should do next with my life, or how I was going to make it all work. 


I can remember feeling how hopeless, defeated, alone, and frustrated I felt during those times and how desperate I was to find a solution or some form of relief from my misery. 


But it was in my "growth seasons" where I needed to release the how.  I needed to release control and trust that I would find my way again.


I can sit here today with a whole heart knowing for a fact that you’ll always find the way and that you’re always on the path. 


I can tell you that sometimes it’s hard allowing life to do its thing through you and that surrendering to what your heart truly wants is not an easy task.  Which sounds so silly… 


That’s because what your heart truly wants is a life of ease, peace, rest, happiness, health, simplicity, love, fun, abundance, and joy.  Somehow, we always seem to over complicate the process by getting in the way and thinking we have to do more than we really need to. 


I know for myself what I really want and what my heart truly longs for. 


When I am living my truth it feels so good...  Almost like a breath of fresh air on a crisp fall morning. 


I know that when I am living my truth everything just flows beautifully and life is easy and enjoyable.  I know that when I am living my truth I am a lot happier, healthier and way more fun to be around.


I also know that when I am going against myself, not trusting or not living in alignment with who I really am it feels bad, and that’s the difference. 


Living your life on purpose and surrendering to the truth of who really you are feels good because you are being the person that God created you to be. 


Allow yourself to go with the flow of least resistance and do what brings you the most joy.  Allow yourself to wildly chase the things that feel right, good, holy, and true for you and then let everything else go. 


Trust that you are always being guided and supported and that what you truly want and long for also wants you. 


It’s a beautiful thing to realize that you can have what you truly want and that life really can be this peaceful and enjoyable... 


If you trust yourself to let go and let God lead the way. 


Have the most beautiful day.






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