God is Within Her
Sep 03, 2024
Once upon a time there was a young woman who would dream of a more relaxed life while on her early morning commute to work.
She’d dream of being able to take her son to school and be there to pick him up.
She’d dream of the man she’d meet and the kind of father he’d be. She’d dream about how he’d treat her and how he’d never make her cry.
She’d dream of a job that was closer to home and that paid more money. In her mind everything was perfect but she didn’t know how that was even possible given the circumstances of her life at the time.
Well, she met that man and along came a daughter. She then began dreaming bigger. She wanted more time, a husband who was home more, a new mini van, a destination wedding, a bigger home, another baby, and she wanted her own business that helped lots of people around the world find happiness, health, true love, and inner peace.
She wanted to speak on big stages in front of thousands of people. She wanted to write books, and she wanted to live near the ocean one day and try out a private school for her teenager to see if that was any better. She wanted to travel whenever she wanted to and just go with the flow of her own life. She wanted a puppy, and she wanted to do work that she was passionate about but only when she was inspired to do so.
She wanted more love, more energy, more happiness, more simplicity, more inner peace, and she wanted the kind of friends who weren’t jealous of her but always had her back and showed up for her in the way she truly deserved.
She wanted to live life on her own terms.
She wanted to wear what she wanted, say what she wanted, and to show up when she wanted to without needing to follow anyone else’s rules or to ask permission to do so.
She made every single dream she had a reality.
But while on this journey she came across major challenges. There were great losses, major health scares, accidents, failures, natural disasters, complete idiots, pain, rejection, people who broke her trust, suffering, moments of intense fear, stress, hospital visits, unbearable heartbreaks, death, court battles, complete darkness, absolute terror, and major attacks on her flesh and her finances.
Not everyone liked her, and a lot of people she once thought supported her vanished into thin air. Some even thought she was crazy, ungrateful, rude, fat, harsh, selfish, self-centred, or even stupid.
She NEVER believed them for one second.
She refused to quit.
She refused to be defeated.
She refused to allow the projections and insecurities of other people to stop her from her great aim and purpose in life.
She left toxic people, toxic environments, and despite all odds she chose to trust and believe in herself instead.
She kept going not knowing if she should, and she clung tightly to that small little whisper from within her own heart and soul that guided her every step and directed her every move.
When in doubt she called upon her guardian angels and ancestors that lived on the other side. She asked them questions. They too helped her in moments of doubt, panic, uncertainty, and protected her from harm.
In the end, she realized that God was WITHIN her and that WITH God all things were possible and that no dream or desire was too big or too expensive for her. In fact, the more she worked on herself she realized that she wasn’t asking for big enough, so she keeps going for that’s why she was created…. ✨To manifest the fullness of her own divine life that was given to her and only her.
She realized that she was an unstoppable force of love and that the only thing that could ever truly stop her was lack of patience, lack of belief, lack of trust, lack of self-love, lack of self-worth, lack of self-acceptance, and lack of self-confidence.
It was her own MIND and her own direct attacks she made on herself that she had to conquer and once she did that, the truth set her free.
She now lives happily ever after with her husband, her 3 children, her puppy, and continues to show up on her own time doing what she absolutely loves to do. She makes her own rules, her own schedule, her own life, and she shows others that if she can, they can too.
If you want a beautiful life, the one thing you must have is a beautiful mind for the greatest of all riches is a positive mindset.
When you have a positive mindset it allows you to achieve your dreams and goals faster and it helps you to achieve the other major riches in life as well.
If you’d like to embark on a journey that keeps getting better and better be sure to go to www.lindsayrose.ca/liveyourlife and sign up today.
All of my secrets are in there for living your life happy, healthy, and free ✨
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