Finding Forgiveness - A True Warrior Spirit

happiness healthy lifestyle inner peace life transformation live happy meditation weight loss motivation yoga and meditation Oct 06, 2023
Lindsay Rose Martin
Finding Forgiveness - A True Warrior Spirit


If you don’t learn to forgive there is a 100% chance that you will be carrying around emotional dead weight that is no longer serving you. 

Whether you like to believe it or not, everyone you meet plays a vital role in leading you back home to yourself.  It’s often the most challenging, difficult, heartbreaking, and gut-wrenching circumstances that play the most important role, and sadly it’s those people in our lives that might have hurt us, left us, stolen from us, neglected us, betrayed us, disappointed us, or lied to us that we need to forgive and let go of the most.


It could be someone in your family that should have been there for you.  It could be a spouse, a colleague at work, or a random person that came into your life for a brief moment.  It could also be yourself, but coming to know that you collided for a divine reason and that everything serves your highest good will help you on your path. 


Holding on to past hurts will only poison your spirit and weigh you down. 


Being angry or jealous of someone will only dimmish your own health, wealth, and vitality.  


Feeling upset, or disappointed about the way someone treated you will only stunt your own growth. 


Holding onto guilt, resentment, self-hatred, insecurity, or grief over something you can’t go back and change will only lead to pain and diseases in your body such as chronic low back pain, digestion issues, and cancer.  Not finding forgiveness in your heart will only ever rob you of your own health, inner peace, joy, and abundance.  


You don’t forgive someone necessarily because they deserve it.  You forgive someone because you deserve it and you are worthy of an incredible life. 


But on the flip side, taking full ownership over your life going forward is essential, otherwise you will continue to attract low level individuals into your life.



You must stop, sit with yourself, meditate, and ask yourself why you might have attracted such an individual in the first place and what the lesson is for you to learn.  In the end each lesson loops back around to unconditional love for yourself and others, confidence, positivity, wholeness, acceptance, self-worth, trust, belief, and God.



In the end you will discover who you truly are.


Chances are if you are still listening to this or reading this, your life hasn’t come easy for you, and perhaps you’ve been through hell and back.  That's because you've got a huge calling and purpose for your life. 



I know if you are listening to this or reading this you want more for yourself and your family, but you might be holding on to something or someone that you need to release and let go of. 

Do yourself that gift today.  



Thank them for all they have given you.  Thank them for all they have taught you about life and thank them for making you a better person.  Thank them for opening up your heart and making you more caring, more loving, more compassionate, more empathetic, more wise, more honest, more trustworthy, more aligned, more successful, more connected and more of who you truly are. 


Visualize the person or people you need to let go of on a boat in the middle of the ocean drifting far far away from you.  Send them off in the opposite direction of where you are headed.  Wish them well, wish them happiness, wish them the very best, send them love, and then let them go.  Bless and release them.


Then get up and go do something phenomenal with your life.  Prove yourself and that small little whisper from within right.  If it helps you to find that inner strength, belief, confidence, conviction, and power from within, do it for a “fuck you too”, for loving yourself and having massive success in your life is always the best kind of revenge. 


Claim your own greatness and decide to shine so bright with so much love and determination in your heart.



Cheering you on and giving you full permission to be wildly successful.






“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”  Luke 23:34


When we have come home to ourselves and come back to a space of pure unconditional love for ourselves, and others, and are connected and aligned with the God within us, we will come to the knowing that when we know better, we can only do better.  Those who have might have hurt us in the past were completely unconscious at the time, and while this does not excuse or ever condone their behaviours, the fact of the matter is that whatever happened, happened, and we can't go back and change a single thing.  It was part of the plan for your life journey and evolution.  If we can also look back on our own failures in life we can come to the understanding that we too were operating out of our own level of consciousness at the time as well.  Shame, guilt, regret, blame, anger, judgement, hate, criticism, unforgiveness, and condemnation cannot exist when you want peace, love, health, energy, and harmony in your life.  Forgive others, and most importantly forgive yourself.  This is the final piece of the puzzle right before the death of your old life, and the beginning and rebirth of a new life of walking in total freedom, happiness, and health.


Are you in the Life Worth Living Challenge yet?

Imagine a year from now, looking back on your journey of personal transformation, and seeing a more happier, confident, accomplished, and peaceful version of yourself. 

Can you envision that transformation?

My Life Worth Living Challenge is designed to help you achieve exactly that.

This program is not just about learning, but about transforming. It's about taking control of your life, putting yourself first, manifesting what YOU want, and discovering who you were created to be!


The results are absolutely stunning and life changing! 

Here are some of the benefits you'll gain from this program:

  •  Mindset Mastery: Unleash your potential and become the best version of yourself and learn how to manifest your dreams and desires easily and effortlessly.
  •  Self-Love and Empowerment:  Gain the confidence to take charge of your life all while increasing your own self-worth, self-belief, and self-love.  Build the self-assurance to tackle any challenge that comes your way.
  •  Health and Happiness: Optimize your health and increase your energy levels so you’re feeling and looking your absolute best. 
  •  Self-Discovery and Inner Peace:  Wake up and live a calm, peaceful life that you truly enjoy.  Find your purpose and learn how to live a life that aligns with it.


This is a unique 28 day life changing experience, so get started today! 

Click here to get started!



Recommended Life Transformation Programs and Products:

Life Worth Living Challenge.

Life Changing Affirmations - Download Now

Prayer Promises - Add These 30 Prayers to Your Morning

Monthly Mastery Membership


Additional Reads:

Wake Up and Live - 101 Days of Deep Inner Work to Transform Your Life

Rise and Shine - 101 Days to a Happier You

Taking Your Personal Power Back - 101 Days of Relentless Action Forward

High Level Leadership - Levelling Up to Meet Your Highest Self


Join the Life Worth Living Challenge Today!


Join Lindsay for the ultimate life transformation experience.  

This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.

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Transform Your Life

Join Lindsay for the ultimate life transformation experience.  This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.  Not only are the results visible on the outside but they are absolutely stunning on the inside. 
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Prayer Promises

Start your day off with the power of prayer! 


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Self-Help Books

Deep within each and everyone of us is a wisdom and a guidance system that will be able to help us even in our darkest and most challenging of moments.  Discovering who you really are and getting back to a space of pure unconditional love, happiness, health, inner peace and wholeness takes work but it's a lot easier if you have some guidance along the way.  Order Lindsay's books today to help you on your journey!

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