What is Done is Done
Feb 15, 2025
You have no idea what is in store for you, and if you look backwards, chances are you are only focusing on what has happened to you rather than focusing forward to what could be.
Sit with yourself. Did you play a role in any of the bad things or challenges happening to you? Were you fearing the worst? Did you affirm the very thing you didn’t want to happen? Were you operating from a space of negativity, bitterness, resentment and lack? Chances are if you were, you might have made all your worst nightmares come true.
Now imagine what would happen if you were to use your brain power to focus on the good. To consciously choose to focus on what you wanted to happen. To focus all your time and energy on building the new rather than fighting the old.
What is done is done, and while you might have wished for it not to happen, it did, and it was necessary for your own personal growth and development.
But those still stuck in the dark are not growing. They aren’t waking up and asking themselves how they can get better, what they need to learn, where they are going and what they need to do to get there. They are sitting alone in their own pools of negativity and compounding the suffering not even realizing it is their own fault.
Don’t let that be you.
Wake up today excited to try again.
Wake up today and give thanks for all the goodness that still resides inside. Give thanks for the hopes, the dreams and the gifts you have to share and get busy living and working to make it all happen. There is greatness inside of you. Don’t waste another day thinking otherwise.
Today, think of all the fear that you still are hanging onto. Think of a trigger point, sit with yourself and reflect. The only way to transcend that fear is to shine light onto the darkness. Did you play a role in manifesting it? Are you blaming yourself for something that was out of your control? Were you fearing the worst, thinking negatively, or affirming all that you didn’t want to happen? Is what you are fearing even true? Write down what comes to mind.
Are you in the Life Worth Living Challenge yet?
Imagine waking up each day feeling happy, energized, fulfilled, and in total control of your life and how you spend your time.
Imagine having a calm and serene mindset and a home where you are at total peace with yourself, your life, and the people around you.
Does that sound like a dream?
Well, it doesn’t have to be.
My Life Worth Living Challenge is designed to help you achieve just that.
This program is not just about learning, but about transforming. It’s about taking control of your life, setting and achieving your goals, and becoming the best version of yourself... and the results are absolutely stunning and life changing! Go to www.lindsayrose.ca/liveyourlife to get started today!
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This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.