Aligning With Your True Self

Feb 28, 2025
Lindsay Rose Martin
Aligning With Your True Self

In today's world it is so easy to look around and feel as if we are dropping the ball in some area of our life. I challenge you to shut your phone off, close your eyes, breathe, turn inward, and reconnect with yourself instead. 


Have you ever felt not good enough or doubted yourself? 

Have you ever felt out of place or felt like you didn't belong? 

Have you ever felt like there was always something wrong with your life that you needed to fix? 

If you have, you are not alone, but today I want to tell you a secret to personal freedom. 

In the present moment, you are more than good enough there is nothing that needs fixing.  The only thing that might be wrong with you is the fact that your ego has taken hold of you, and you lost your connection to you highest self.  You might have also been trying to be someone you weren’t created to be, were pleasing others, and ended up feeling completely out of place, and out of alignment from your true self. 

The only thing wrong with you might also be an obedience problem, a guilt problem, or a belief problem, and those 3 things are all in your control.  The only thing wrong with most people is the fact that they think there is something wrong with them, and they keep focusing on the problem and that is keeping them stuck. 

Maybe you feel out of place because you’re trying to fit somewhere you don’t belong. 

Maybe you were trying to squeeze yourself into a box you've outgrown, or were trying to blend in, when you were born to stand out, grow, and expand. 

As you grow and evolve and become more of your true self, your current friends or family members might not get you.  They might start to think that something is wrong with you, when in fact you're just letting the old inauthentic version of yourself die away, and you're growing into a bigger, better, more authentic version of yourself.  A lot of people won't like that.  A lot of people hate to see others change, grow, and improve as it makes them feel bad about themselves.   Keep going anyways for your life depends on it and your true purpose in life is too huge for you to play small. 

So, today I ask you.  What do you have to lose if you allow yourself to be your true authentic self and accept yourself and your big life unconditionally? 

You lose absolutely nothing by being your true self, but you gain everything.  You gain love, confidence, self-respect, trust, and acceptance.  You gain the courage to speak your voice and stand in your truth.  You gain authentic friends who understand you and support you.  You gain meaning and purpose for your life.  You gain bravery and you reclaim your own personal power back.  You gain health, happiness, time, freedom, and the real you back. 

If you don't believe in yourself, trust yourself, love yourself, accept yourself, speak your own voice, stand in your own power, or have confidence, what is that going to cost you? 

If you are trying to be someone you’re not, are settling for less, and blending in you will lose everything.  You lose your soul.  You will look in the mirror and won’t even recognize yourself, and that isn’t something you want to ever live with. 

So today, think about this and reflect on your own life and journal freely what comes to mind. 

Are you feeling out of place?

Are you feeling lost? Unfulfilled?

Dead on the inside? 

Perhaps the only reason you're feeling lost in life is you're now on a beautiful journey of self-discovery and returning home to a place of pure unconditional love for yourself, and the world around you. 

As a spiritual being, your outer world and the people who come into your life are often a direct reflection of your inner world.  Do the work on yourself so you can find your true self.  To do that, you must make meditation a daily part of your day.  The real you is always on the other side of your greatest fear, and when you change your inner world, your outer world will be even more beautiful. 


Do you want to experience a richer, more fulfilling life?

You must learn how to trust your own intuition!

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Recommended Life Transformation Programs and Products:

Life Changing Affirmations - Download Now

Prayer Promises - Add These 30 Prayers to Your Morning

Monthly Mastery Membership


Additional Reads:

Wake Up and Live - 101 Days of Deep Inner Work to Transform Your Life

Rise and Shine - 101 Days to a Happier You

Taking Your Personal Power Back - 101 Days of Relentless Action Forward

High Level Leadership - Levelling Up to Meet Your Highest Self



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This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.

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Join Lindsay for the ultimate life transformation experience.  This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.  Not only are the results visible on the outside but they are absolutely stunning on the inside. 
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Prayer Promises

Start your day off with the power of prayer! 


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Self-Help Books

Deep within each and everyone of us is a wisdom and a guidance system that will be able to help us even in our darkest and most challenging of moments.  Discovering who you really are and getting back to a space of pure unconditional love, happiness, health, inner peace and wholeness takes work but it's a lot easier if you have some guidance along the way.  Order Lindsay's books today to help you on your journey!

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