8 Year Anniversary - True Love Exists
Dec 08, 2023
As I celebrate 8 years of marriage today I can’t help but think of how happy and grateful I truly am.
I read something the other day…
I was asked to pause for a minute and ask myself who is that one person in your life that lifts you up, enlivens your spirit, and just makes you feel good.
I cried, because I realized for the first time in my 42 years that person was myself, and my own God. That kind of inner peace, love, joy, happiness, and aliveness came from within me and not from someone else or anything external.
The other person was Dennis.
There have been many times where I have taken this unconditional love for granted or have pushed it away, but what I have realized over the years is that true love will fight for you, believe in you, and won’t ever let you go, no matter how hard you try to resist it.
There will be seasons of change for us all, but who remains in your life will be what truly matters the most.
Who remains and who sticks around after all of the walls around you have come crashing down will be the only thing you need, and the love you carry in your heart will be what brings you the most joy.
Through all the highs and most importantly all of the lows and all of the failures, that’s when you will come to know yourself, love yourself, honour yourself, trust yourself, believe in yourself, find yourself, come home to yourself, cherish yourself, and respect yourself the most.
And that’s when you will meet an equal partner who is willing to journey through this life with you and grow right alongside you.
That person will be a supportive, sacred, and a safe place to land and it will feel like home, and that’s a beautiful gift you can give to yourself first and then share with the world around.
True unconditional love is real, and it exists, but you must first dig deep to find it within yourself first, for that’s where the magic of amazing grace, real beauty, and eternal love truly exists.
If you've been following my journey for the past 8 years or if you're new here to my community, I just want to thank you for being here!
I also want to invite you to join me. If you are truly ready to transform your life then I invite you to join my Life Worth Living Program today!
This Life Worth Living Program is a 100% spiritual solution to changing your life from the inside out.
No pills, no drugs, no meal plans, no workout plans, no scales, no measurements, no shakes, no special juices, no supplements, no points, no macros, no calorie tracking, no measuring cups, no food journals, no recipes to follow, no weight loss apps, no restrictions, no fasting, no guilt, no stress, no social media, no shame, no regrets, no fear, no rules except your very own.
If you are willing to get up and do the hard work on yourself and never quit, there’s a pretty good chance your life and your future will be whatever the heck you want it to be because you’ve designed it that way.
This is NOT a weight loss program or fitness challenge, although you can expect to see some incredible results in as little as a week!
This is more of a get your own life back program.
If you're ready then CLICK HERE and get signed up.
I will personally guide you every step of the way.
- If you are ready to feel your absolute best... this program is for you.
- If you are struggling to let go of the past and trust what God planned for your life...this program is for you.
- If you are experiencing any kind of pain in your body and want to be pain free...this program is for you.
- If you are on a spiritual journey but feeling stuck... this program is for you.
- If you want to find forgiveness and be free of addictions... this program is for you.
- If you are a high-achiever who is looking for that next level... this program is for you.
- If you want to let go of grief and heartache and find true joy and meaning in your life... this program is for you.
- If you are wanting to enjoy your life more and give your family the best... this program is for you.
- If you are wanting to get out of debt or increase your wealth... this program is for you.
- If you are wanting to be free of stress, anxiety, depression and want to sleep like a rock at night...this program is for you.
- If you are wanting more time... this program is for you.
- If you want to start having more fun in your life and experience what true joy and inner peace feels like... this program is for you.
- If you want to improve your relationships... this program is for you.
- If you want to unlock your true purpose in life... this program is for you.
- If you are ready to be happier and healthier than ever before... this program is for you.
- If you want true inner peace... this program is for you.
I want to help you make this year your absolute happiest and healthiest year ever.
Let me take you step-by-step through the first 21 days of your life transformation!
Join the Life Worth Living Challenge Today!
Join Lindsay for the ultimate life transformation experience.
This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.